Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Jump on the Planetary Trampoline of Change!

Your life is about to change, ladies and gentleman

You are awakenining to a transformed reality, the magic of your being has been vibbing up.

It will likely be a little grander than your mind had imagined.

The stubbornness of the past can no longer hold on to the vessel of your dreams.

Present reality structures must surrender to the change.

Our favorite concepts are standing in the way of a floodtide, many cycles within cycles building up.

You are now entering the vortex of a change where your navigational radar will enforce a combination of surrender, intuition, trust, wisdom and committment. We must access the wisdom of the creator and the power of our heart's light. We are about to JUMP to the next level.

The Planetary Trampoline of Change:

Friday, 11/21: Sun entered Sagittarius 2:44 pm
Saturday, 11/22: Mercury entered Sagittarius 11:09 pm
Tuesday, 11/24: Mercury conjuncy Sun at 8:52 am

Wednesday: November 26th: Pluto leaves Sag and enters Capricorn until 2023, 6:05 pm
Wednesday: Mercury, Sun and Mars are all aligned in Sagittarius, the Moon moving through this alignment all through Wednesday night.
Thursday, November 27th: Uranus turns direct, 8:08 am
Thursday, November 27th: New Moon at 6 Sagittarius, 8:54 am
Friday, November 28th: New Moon Squares Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, Mercury conjuncts Mars:

We are hereby born into a new cycle. Venus conjuncts Jupiter in Pluto's new territory of Capricorn on December 1st.........No worries, we are landing on more sacred and solid ground. Thank God for cycles and everything else!

blessings, KK!

PS: Please see the posting of 10/11 for some insight into Pluto in Capricorn

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