Saturday, January 17, 2009

A SuperNova of GoodWill

by Ken Kalb

At Noon on January 20, 2009 at the Inauguration of Barack Hussein Obama as the 44th President of the United States -- a stellium of Aquarian planets – the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter will gather at the midheaven -- activating Obama's charisma and magic tongue in glowing incandescence. His soaring oratory with millions gathered and billions watching will ignite the flame of the human spirit like never before into a veritable global orgasm of hope.

One hundred and forty six years after the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation, the big Wheel of Fortune has spun full circle and stopped on his magic number. Planet Earth is overdue for a global party, and the Obama Inauguration marks the moment. The combination of the collective sigh of relief for the end of the Bush administration, along with the birth of hope and inspiration of the Obama era -- signifies a genuine global rebirth. Put your dancing shoes on......

It’s been a long time coming.

The stars are aligned for the ignition of the collective heart of humanity to awaken in jubillence. The life giving Sun -- along with Mercury the messenger and Jupiter the lucky star -- have just entered Aquarius, sign of the dawning new dispensation. It is so fitting and appropriate that Barack Obama -- such a capable and shining star of promise -- -- will become the leader of the free world at this propitious point in Earth history. Just as one age is dying and another is being born -- as this planet both purifies and plants the seeds for tomorrow, hope overlights a fresh start. Change the head and the body will follow, we are told by the sages of old.

We are all a part of the birth of this miracle.

Though beware; many will try to make Barack into Piscean-age messiah. But the Aquarian Age, as Obama reminded us throughout the campaign -- is about we -- not me.

Symbolizing this climate for miracles were the heroics of Chesley B. "Sully" Sullenberger, III, an Aquarian himself who had a precise conjunction of Jupiter with his natal Sun when he heroically saved 155 people on January 15th. Everything that possibly could go wrong went right. Let us never underestimate the Jupiterian power of luck and good fortune, particularly when it is combined with masterful skill.

Yes We Can! There are amazing things happening, and anything IS possible. Optimism will abound in the excitement of this Uranian/Aquarian energy, and under the Sag Moon in the evening, the planetary party will rock.

Though with Mercury and Saturn spinning retrograde, the reality checks are simply delayed for awhile. For this ebullient moment comes in the face of massive, seemingly insurmountable tribulations. It will take some very powerful juju to unscramble this egg.

So let's take a quick thumbnail look at Obama's stars and the Inauguration chart.

Barack was born under the leadership sign of Leo, ruler of the heart. Aquarius was rising -- the Uranus-ruled sign governing humanitarianism and the collective. Aquarius is also the placement of his magnanimous Jupiter. The Moon was in Gemini -- Gem-In-Eye -- those genius twins electrically connecting the vast poles of human interaction. Mercury in magnetic Leo, Venus in caring Cancer, energetic Mars and transformational Pluto in service-sign Virgo, Saturn in hard-working and resourceful Capricorn, Uranus in loving Leo, visionary Neptune in transformative Scorpio.

When Obama was just a Presidential rumor, I made the prediction that he would be the next President largely because of the dove-tailing of this point in time with this Aquarian line-up on Inauguration day. Right now, he is having his fortuitous fourth Jupiter return -- a once every twelve year cycle of good fortune. Obama is an evolutionary soul in the process of mounting mastery. His charisma (Sun) and communication skills (Mercury) are two of his greatest gifts, and both of these planets swing into direct Aquarian alignment with his returning Jupiter directly at the time of the massive gathering of the Inauguration. He is a veritable shooting star with quantum numbers of humans riding his comet tail on this Supernova of goodwill.

At the Inauguration moment, the Moon will be sitting directly on Barack’s midheaven at the Scorpio/Sagittarius cusp – the Phoenix rising point of the zodiac. He will empower humanity with the inspiration that we can all rise together from the ashes of the past by assembling the best and the brightest under his leadership. Though with Obama’s natal Saturn sitting directly on the inaugural chart’s midheaven, his message will be grounded in some sobering tones: "There will be false starts and setbacks, frustrations and disappointments. And we will be called to show patience even as we act with fierce urgency."

Afterall, civilization is in a period of a great sorting out process signified by the series of 4 oppositions of Saturn (the status quo) and Uranus (change to the new), lasting through 2010, including exact oppositions on February 5 and September 15th this year.

But the grander planetary procession also signals that this will be a hopeful transformation.. Jupiter’s transit through Aquarius in 2009 and then Pisces in 2010, is what astrologer’s call ‘mutual reception.’ This boosts the frequency of the planet’s involved in a fascinating web, so follow these connections here. Jupiter and Neptune co-rule Pisces, and both planets are currently in Aquarius, which is co-ruled by Uranus. Uranus is transiting through Pisces, the sign Jupiter and Neptune co-rule. These giants are amplified by this connection as though they were all in an Aquarian conjunction. This is particularly poignant to be happening at the Shift of a 26000-year cycle from the Piscean to the Aquarian Age. This fractal of the divine science of astrology offers a deep hope for the welfare and benefit of the very future of humankind.

Uranus and Aquarius are all about change, the very mantra of Obama. This country was actually born in synchrony with the discovery of Uranus. Uranus and Aquarius rule new technology and the freedom of the human spirit. It is the Mother of Invention for humanitarian purposes. And more specifically in our current phase, new Green technology. Of course, one of Obama’s principal directives will be to help shift this country from a fossil fuel centered economy to a solar hydrogen alternative energy driven world. The Aquarian concept is that with the right vision and leadership – together - we can do anything.

And with potent Pluto just now embarking on a 20-year journey through Capricorn -- a karmic transformation to a more grounded and sustainable world has just begun.

Of course the backdrop of the plethora of problems, the many campaign promises, the critical issues of the world, the designs of his political adversaries -- all daunt and haunt the task ahead.

But Barack brings another secret ingredient to Washington. It is the Spirit of Aloha which he will share with the world from his birthplace and upbringing in the islands of Hawaii. This could very well be the missing and magic ingredient which births a World at Peace.
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Ken Kalb is the author of The Grand Catharsis, La Nueva Luz del Milenio, LightShift 2000: Let’s Turn on the Light of the World and hundreds of published articles. His may be found at:
Also look for the new Obama Stars

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