Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Jump on the Planetary Trampoline of Change!

Your life is about to change, ladies and gentleman

You are awakenining to a transformed reality, the magic of your being has been vibbing up.

It will likely be a little grander than your mind had imagined.

The stubbornness of the past can no longer hold on to the vessel of your dreams.

Present reality structures must surrender to the change.

Our favorite concepts are standing in the way of a floodtide, many cycles within cycles building up.

You are now entering the vortex of a change where your navigational radar will enforce a combination of surrender, intuition, trust, wisdom and committment. We must access the wisdom of the creator and the power of our heart's light. We are about to JUMP to the next level.

The Planetary Trampoline of Change:

Friday, 11/21: Sun entered Sagittarius 2:44 pm
Saturday, 11/22: Mercury entered Sagittarius 11:09 pm
Tuesday, 11/24: Mercury conjuncy Sun at 8:52 am

Wednesday: November 26th: Pluto leaves Sag and enters Capricorn until 2023, 6:05 pm
Wednesday: Mercury, Sun and Mars are all aligned in Sagittarius, the Moon moving through this alignment all through Wednesday night.
Thursday, November 27th: Uranus turns direct, 8:08 am
Thursday, November 27th: New Moon at 6 Sagittarius, 8:54 am
Friday, November 28th: New Moon Squares Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, Mercury conjuncts Mars:

We are hereby born into a new cycle. Venus conjuncts Jupiter in Pluto's new territory of Capricorn on December 1st.........No worries, we are landing on more sacred and solid ground. Thank God for cycles and everything else!

blessings, KK!

PS: Please see the posting of 10/11 for some insight into Pluto in Capricorn

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Obama's Cabinet and Posts -- Half are Fire Signs!

Secretary of State
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Oct 26, 1947
Chicago, IL

National Economic Council Director
Lawrence Summers
Nov 30, 1954

Health and Human Services
Thomas Daschle

Communications Director
Robert Gibbs

White House Counsel
Greg Craig
Mar 4, 1945

Treasury Secretary
Tim Geithner
Aug 18, 1961

Transition Team Leader
John Podesta
Jan 15, 1949

White House Chief of Staff
Rahm Emmanuel
Nov 29, 1959

Attorney General
Eric Holder
Jan 21, 1951

Janet Nopolitano
Nov 29, 1957

Political Adviser
David Axelrod
Feb 22, 1955

Budget Director
Peter Orszag

Valerie Jarrett
Nov 14, 1956

Commerce Secretary
Bill Richardson
Nov 15, 1947
Pasadena, CA

Economic Recovery Advisory
Paul Volcker
Sep 5, 1927

Of the 18 top appointments announced so far, 12 have degrees from Ivy League institutions, Stanford or MIT. Susan Rice was a Rhodes Scholar; Larry Summers was the youngest tenured professor in Harvard history and Greg Craig, the top White House lawyer, attended Exeter, Harvard, Cambridge and Yale. Apparently, Barack likes competent and brainy scholar types.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Presidential Astrology

President Sun Mars Moon

Adams 6SC26 15LI40 20AR15
Adams, JQ 18CN58 7LE46 18CP40
Arthur 11LI57 26VI01 5CP41
Buchanan 3TA19 23AR22 11CP15
Van Buren 13SG35 7SC53 22SG40
Bush, G 21GE22 25AQ28 17LI56
Bush, GW 13CN47 9VI18 16LI42
Carter 8LI04 25AQ56 13SC48
Cleveland 27PI54 7LE29 17LE12
Clinton 26LE00 6LI21 20TA18
Coolidge 12CN48 0CN09 29GE47
Eisenhower 20LI58 13CP40 25LI49
Fillmore 17CP01 8SG50 5GE43
Ford 21CN12 19TA34 3SG56
Garfield 26SC16 7SC41 19TA36
Grant 6TA36 23LE56 26CN16
Harding 10SC27 13SC04 3TA19
Harrison, B 27LE02 20VI31 3SC07
Harrison, W 14AQ13 26CN16 15GE20
Hayes 11LI18 22SC25 7GE50
Hoover 18LE19 7LE05 7LE08
Jackson 24PI44 22TA23 23VI53
Jefferson 22AR54 18LE42 10SG46
Johnson, 7CP26 9LI56 26TA46
Johnson, L 3VI45 2VI01 9VI12
Kennedy 7GE51 18TA26 17VI13
Lincoln 23AQ27 25LI30 27CP00
Madison 26PI57 11CP49 23SC10
McKinley 9AQ43 18SC23 6AQ22
Monroe 7TA52 13LE58 7CP29
Nixon 19CP24 29SG45 20AQ07
Pierce 1SG16 15LE03 25LE32
Polk 10SC18 28VI44 27CN51
Reagan 16AQ30 3CP58 13TA25
Roosevelt, F 11AQ08 27GE00 6CN15
Roosevelt, T 4SC19 18CP04 16CN52
Taft 23VI07 22LE25 27LE37
Taylor 3SG07 14SC21 4TA09
Truman 18TA39 17LE12 5SC00
Tyler 8AR56 12LE41 22VI02
Washington 3PI19 23SC14 16CP53
Wilson 7CP47 17AQ05 0AQ46

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Final Degree

Two major astrological factors are synchronous with the meltdown of the global economy -- as well as the upcoming US Presidential election.

First, Pluto -- the membrane between our solar system and the rest of the universe -- is transiting through the final degree of Sagittarius until November 26th. And on the morning of election day, November 4th, retrograde Uranus precisely opposes Saturn. How low will the campaigns stoop, how toxic will the cleansing process pollute before power transfers in the United States of America? With Uranus opposite Saturn, can we possibly expect this transfer to be smooth? Good luck!

And how low will the global equity markets go? My feeling is that there will be a rather total reformation and transformation of the way business is done on this planet.
There will be short term fixes, but the deleveraging process has only just begun. Venus completed a sextile and trine to the Saturn-Uranus opposition on Friday, which could spell some temporary relief on Monday, October 13. Temporary. Infusing the banks with billions in cash for liquidity, plus guaranteeing their loans has got to loosen things up, eventually. But it's also like living on laxatives. After a while, it makes a big mess. They'll shoot enough methedrine into the corpse to revive it. But will there be unexpected consequences?

Never underestimate the power of Plutonian energy. It is the single most potent force for transformation in human psychology. Pluto is now entering the last degree of the solsticial cycle -- the Winter solstice degree -- one of the four cardinal points. Pluto only transits this degree every 248 years -- last during the years that preceded the American Revolution and also known as The Enlightenment. And I don't think it has EVER occured during a precise Uranus/Saturn opposition. This is precisely the same point that the entire age is entering on December 21st 2012 -- a once every 26000 year phenomena. The Winter Solstice (in the northern hemisphere) is the longest night and the shortest day, the point where that modality shifts. Folks, this is brand new territory.

And Pluto, ruler of Scorpio, is also known as the dark lord of the underworld, the ruler of the transformational journey of death itself. Here we are during the cusp period of the Aquarian dispensation where one world is dying while another is being born? We are vigously churning through the metamorphic process of the Grand Catharsis. McCain and Obama embody appropriate symbology for these two worlds in collision.

Fortunately, Plutonian energy also rules the dimension of rebirth and regeneration.

Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius signified a period of expansion, which is precisely what the global economy has undergone in the last 20 years. Unbridled greed and the indescriminate scramble for wealth and power has painted the dark underbelly of this expansion in shadows. Pluto is now entering the Saturnian territory of Capricorn, marked by responsibility and contraction. The financial markets have invented numerous instruments of expansive leverage during this period whose foundations are in the process of collapse. Virtually everything of value will now have to be redefined.

Uranus underlies the force behind awakening and revolution and represents the innovative and new. It spins backward to the other heavenly bodies in our solar system and is a veritable astronomical anamoly. It also represents the unconventional, novel and odd, as well as the revolutionary. It was discovered around the time of the American Revolution as well as revolutions all over the planet. Everything it contacts changes rather suddenly. Conversely, Saturn is the force for stability and structure. Currently, a retrograde Uranus and a direct Saturn are on a collision course with an exact opposition at 8:33 am (est) on November 4th, election day in the United States. What a day for this classic showdown.

The obvious interpretation of this is a battle (opposition) between the new and the old, between the young and the old, the untried and the tested. Indeed, these are precisely the themes of the presidential election. But Uranian energy is always a bit weird, bringing upsets, surprises, twists and turns, where we learn to expect the unexpected. Uranus also rules technology. So what does this portend for the outcome? Nothing will surprise me, though I will be both surprised and delighted by the process of a smooth transfer of power.

The flailing of the powers that be from crisis to crisis has all been transpiring during a Mercury retrograde period. One piece of good news is that Mercury will go direct on October 15th at 4:06 pm (est). Certain wavelengths should begin to reconnect and stabilize.

I have often referred to the period between the last degree of Sagittarius and the first degree of Capricorn to be the molten lava point of the zodiac. In these volcanic fires, elements form and transform from simple elements into complex compounds. Coal turns into diamonds, and since we are carbon-based creatures, perhaps an analogous process is forging new dimensions in our very DNA. This helps to understand the rapid economic meltdown during Pluto's journey through this intense part of the cycle. This cataclysmic evolutionary process is transforming our lives and our world on every level.

After Pluto squeezes through the final degree, we enter what I call the Cardinal Challenge: three major planets all T-squaring at the intense cardinal points. Pluto in Capricorn square Saturn in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries. We are now feeling and experiencing the transformative energy of this formation as acceleration. This period will represent nothing less or more than the most powerful shift in human history. What a thrilling time to be alive!
Enjoy this ride of a lifetime. blessings, KK!

Friday, October 03, 2008

VP Debate Reflections

I saw a wind-up doll parrotting trained answers at a rapid fire pace. I saw a poised man masterfully articulating facts in an organized and persuasive fashion. I saw an amateur flyweight against a professional heavyweight. I saw a woman reading a script against a man who was the script.

The pundits said there were no "gaffe's." How gentle they were being with Mrs. Palin. She refused to answer the moderator's question on several occasions, choosing to shift the subject to one of her choosing. She contradicted the commanding General on using the Surge in Afghanistan. She said the constitution allowed for flexibility in expanding the powers of the VP, even beyond Lord Cheney's. When asked about her Achilles heel, she simply bragged about her padded reseme. She contradicted her own position on civil rights for same sex couples. She didn't really answer about half of the questions, choosing instead to ramble on in rapid-fire fashion.

How would the pundits rate Biden using these tactics against Mrs. Palin?

And this is not to mention what none of the ANALysts have the cojones to say: How phony she was from the get-go with her "can I call ya Joe...." and the worst gambit of all -- waving her poor down-syndrome baby around as a prop!

What about the incessant flouncing and winking? Was she flirting with lonely male voters or signaling that all you voters out there know what she knows? Then there is the slogan for which her campaign is so proud....Drill, baby, drill. Has anyone told them that genesis of this epithet is the Watt's Riots in LA in 1962?

When Gwn Ifill asked Palin what she'd do about the mortgage crisis, she responded: "Let's commit ourselves--just everyday American people, Joe Six-Pack, hockey moms across the nation -- I think we need to band together and say, 'Never again!'" She didn't illucidate just how hockey moms and beer abusers could get together to prevent a financial crisis -- or simply answer the question by any measure. she got a pass. "I've only been at this for five-weeks...." precisely, the problem Sarah, thanks.

Other than that, she mistated McCain's positions on numerous topics from civil rights for same sex couples to giving bankruptcy judges the power to rewrite mortgages.

She was like a fairly well-trained seal at Sea World. She continually winked into the camera. She appealed to "Joe Six-Pack." Deep inside, I cringe at the prospect of Sarah Palin being the Vice President of the United States. That movie would make the Exorcist or Alien seem like a Bugs Bunny cartoon. Has America simply degenerated into "Six-Pack Nation?"

The good news was that I saw a masterful performance by Joe Biden. With a scintillating command of all issues, Joe delivered a powerful testament for being the Vice President, and if need be -- the President of the United States.

And I think that was the underlying message. The other one was that the Neocon's are cooking up in their laborotories -- Palin in 2012. You betcha (wink!)

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The Stars of Sarah and the Big Debate

Sarah Palin
February 11, 1964
7:06 am (reported)
Sandpoint Idaho

Chart Notes:

Double Aquarius (almost triple) with a 29 degree Capricorn Moon conjunct Mercury at 1 degree aquarius. This singular aspect signifies gifts of intuition and imagination, empathic abilities and the capacity for almost simultaneous transmission of thoughts and feelings with passion.

If the reported birth time is correct, this puts her Aquarius stellium (22 degree Aquarius Sun, 23 degree Mars and 25 degree Saturn) -- all in a most powerful angular position to her ascendant. Venus at Zero Aries -- the Spring Equinox degree, amplified by Jupiter in the middle of Aries. Make no mistake about it, this is a highly talented, quite masterful person. Blessed with athletic ability, good looks, charm, poise, and a nimble mind, Sarah charges forth in a bright aura of invincibility. She may be ignorant and full of BS, but she is very bright and gifted with a powerful treasure of resources at her command. In the political arena, this is the chart of someone who is mostly frosting with very little cake. Though a better analogy might be a hostess twinkee -- with the surprise cream filling.

BullShit as an Art:

Palin's stellium in Aquarius as well as her Venus/Jupiter placement in Aries signify strong public relations skills and the ability to interface magnificently with the public. Big bubbly prosperity. She can be very warm and magnetic, quick and nimble. She is so adept with these skills that she has become a self-anointed know-it-all, often displacing a lack of substance with generalities or non-answers. Her foreign policy experience due to her physical proximity to Russia, or listing the foreign destinations of fuel-stop-overs as countries she has visited on her reseme -- a few of many cases in point. Palin shares many of the Reaganesque "teflon" qualities -- Reagan being a fellow Aquariuan. But as the saying goes...she is "no Ronald Reagan." Aquarius is co-ruled by Saturn (old/stubborn) and Uranus (new/unconventional), and Palin exhibits both tendencies in extreme ways. One example is her belief in Creationism, complete with a 6000 year-old Earth with coexisting Dinosaurs and Humans, or her ability to both deny, dismiss - yet condone - this argument in public simultaneously. The more I look at her chart, the more my intuitive juices simply signal "con-artist." She has developed her skills at BS to a finely tuned Art. Her new book could be aptly titled The Audacity of Bullshit.

The Big Debate

The much anticipated VP debate is scheduled to start at 9:00 pm (est) on October 2 when the
Moon is right on her midheaven at 22ยบ Scorpio and squaring her 22 degree Aquarius Sun. She will be highly charged and overly primed. She will be out to prove her self and I suspect she will go way over the top.
These are very hard and challenging aspects. I would be surprised if Ms. Congeniality isn't highly strung, very uptight, perhaps boiling over with emotion. Mr. Biden would be well advised to play aikido with Mrs. Palin. The pit bull with the lipstick will be frothing at the mouth. Joe is so lucky they are positioned behind podiums. Their synergy should make this debate Big Entertainment. During the debate, the Scorpio Moon will square her Mars, so she will likely be in attack mode. Barack will be the big target for the attacks of Sarah Barracuda. The Moon will also be applying to a square with her natal Saturn, so I think you will see someone who becomes very frustrated. I am going to be surprised if she doesn't blow it well beyond what happened with Katie Couric.

Stay tuned.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Presidential Candidate Birth Data

Barack Obama
Aug 4, 1961
1:06 PM
Honolulu, HI

Obama is a Leo with Scorpio Rising and a Gemini Moon

Hillary Clinton
Oct 26, 1947
8 am
Park Ridge, IL

Hillary is a Double Scorpio -- Sun and Moon in Scorpio with a Pisces Moon.

John McCain
Aug 29, 1936
9 am
Panama Canal Zone

McCain is a Virgo with Libra Rising and a Capricorn Moon.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Planet Surfing the Pipeline
by Ken Kalb

Wax your inner surfboard well, dear friends. For we are about to enter the geocosmic rapids, or the equivalent for surfers of a once in 20-year day surfing the Bonzai Pipeline.

Pluto, which takes 248 years to go around the Sun -- or about 20 years in each sign -- enters Capricorn on Friday, January 25. Tiny Pluto, the boundary between our solar system and the rest of the Universe is the deepest and most powerful archetype for transformation within the human psyche. Please note that the first degree of Capricorn is one of the 4 powerful cardinal points -- the Winter Solstice position. Pluto has been in the Jupiter-ruled mutable fire sign of Sagittarius since 1984 and now enters the Saturn-ruled cardinal Earth sign of Capricorn. Simply put, Jupiter is about expansion, Saturn about contraction. A good metaphor for this energy is what the analysts are saying about the global economy -- Recession, like it or not. Jupiter the planet of expansion is moving into the sign of contraction which is the force of compression. Diamonds are formed in intense heat and compression out of coal, crystals out of sand. We will emerge from this process crystallized and metamorphosized.

This will immediately begin under the yellow caution flag, as Mercury goes into a 3-week retrograde on Monday, January 28 until February 19th. And on Wednesday, January 30, Mars will come out of a 2 1/2 month retrograde and turn direct. We will all have to call up some masterful tai chi from the soul to navigate these shifts.

The game is about to be change, ladies and gentleman. If your life is going through some changes, stretches, contractions, transitions, adjustments, and initiations, you can now understand a portion of the intense astrological backdrop. This is a period of major shift, so make sure your airbags are operational . Major and minor adjustments will need to be made, extreme flexibility skills may need to be tapped, expected and unexpected events will transpire. You may have a meltdown or three. And you may be called upon to do some rescues.

This is a wild way to initiate the next 16 years of Pluto in Capricorn. What is even wilder is the way Pluto will waft in between the first degrees of Capricorn and the last few degrees of Sagittarius over the next 9 months before transiting fully through Capricorn starting November 11th. Cusps are powerful vortices of energy, and the cardinal point of the Winter Solstice -- closely aligned with the very Center of our Milky Way Galaxy -- is one of the hottest hotspots of the zodiacal belt.
I have often said that the last degrees of Sagittarius are like the molten volcanic lava, and the first degrees of Capricorn where they cool and take form. So we are all molting and transforming on some level right now, ready to manifest into new form. This is happening on many levels -- from personal to global.

May we all help each other enjoy the ride.

blessings, KK