Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Is this the Dawning of the Ages of Aquarius?

by Ken Kalb

After dozens of inquiries, I am blogging my thoughts on whether or not February 14, 2009 marks the day we enter the Aquarian Age.

BTW: I love that song old song (1968) by the 5th Dimension. I just downloaded it onto my Ipod. And I hope Saint Valentine’s angel brings her love to everyone!

Now, the discussion.

Man, I can remember being at the Aquarius Theatre in the summer of 1968 when the cast was belting out that inspirational song. As budding astrologers, we used to muse about the reality of stellar science in the lyrics. We were all a little disgruntled to get the astrological reality check from the elders: the Moon goes through the 7th house every single day, and every sign of the zodiac each month. And Jupiter aligns with Mars in less than every 2 years. So the Moon can be in the 7th house with a Jupiter/Mars conjunction every 2 years. People were looking at this lyric like it was some kind of Nostradamus quatrain or something. Well, it was great songwriting even if it wasn't real astrology, and it was so in tune with the times!

Let’s recall some key points in consciousness history.

On August 16th and 17th of 1987, people’s of Goodwill traveled and assembled to geomantic power points in a Harmonic Convergence all over the Earth to acknowledge the opening of a portal of consciousness associated both with the entrance into Aquarian Age and the final countdown of the Mayan calendar.

Years later, after a vigorous career as a professional astrologer, I wrote a book called The Grand Catharsis, an Astrolog of the Shifting Ages. On the cover was a beautiful painting I had commissioned of the Grand Planetary Alignment of May 5 of 2000, which I felt was a demarcation point for the new Aquarian Dispensation. I postulated that a progression of astrological signatures marked the final gateway of the 72-year cusp period between ages(ages are about 2160 years each, each of the 30 degrees is 72). One entry point was marked by the entrance of the Sun in precise conjunction with it's ruler Uranus at Zero Aquarius on January 21, 1996 -- celebrated visually for all to see in the sky by the 18-month passage of the brightest comet of the 20th century, Hale-Bopp. Giant collective global meditations were successfully organized via the internet including GaiaMind on 1/23/97, and LightShift 2000 on 1/1/2000 and 5/5/2000 to herald and ignite the entrance into the Aquarian period with positive intent.

Certainly, in the dozen years since this gateway, we have witnessed the explosion of (Aquarian-ruled) technology, and likely the most powerful and rapid transformation in our history, accompanied by an amazing spiritual awakening. These are two key components of the shift into Aquarius.

I have been involved in scores of discussions with astrologers on the topic of the shifting of the ages and its timing over the years. There are many astrologers who felt that the entrance into cusp of the Aquarian period from the Piscean (ages spin backward through the zodiac) was actually marked by the explosion of the atomic bomb at Hiroshima in 1945. This would put the completion of the 72-year cusp period very close to 2012. They made the strong case that it certainly bore all the earmarks of Uranus and Aquarius: a shocking, cataclysmic, and highly technological event, which did indeed result in instant peace (or at least the end of a World War). Still other astrologers have even made the case for 1821 -- the year that Michael Faraday invented the electric motor. And even others claim we won’t enter the new period until 2062.

Personally I feel that the actual marker of the ages is less indicated by any geocentric (earth-centered) astrology chart, as it is by the precession of the winter solstice sunrise against our Milky Way galaxy - an event currently progressing very close to the end date of the Mayan Long Count on December 21, 2012. And that, my friends, is a whole other conversation. Stay tuned.

And as Carl Sagan reminds us, our Sun is but one star of a billion-trillion in the universe.

Now, back to Hair, Aquarius, and Valentine's day of 2009, and all of that. Hey, any excuse for a party is fine with me. And an Aquarian love party, let's go! I certainly don’t want to rain on any parade. So let's look at the chart. There is indeed, a strong Aquarian concentration: 4 planets (Sun,Neptune, Jupiter and Mars), the asteroid Chiron, and the North node. Uranus-ruled Aquarius’ domain includes revolution, cataclysm, upsets, earth changes, invention, the unconventional, disasters, technology, and electricity. It also rules humanitarian pursuits, friendship, brotherhood, enlightenment, and miracles. Love always steers the stars and it is my sincere hope that Peace will guide our planet: but the Hair love/peace claim is not the principal theme of Aquarius. A prime Aquarian analogy was the Tsunami in Southeast Asia in 2005. Over 200,000 people suddenly went to the other side, and 2 million homeless humans formed instant communities who miraculously figured out their very own survival. In response was the most massive outpouring of humanitarian assistance in human history. Sometimes it is when we are at our worst when we shine the brightest. Through adversity, true brotherhood is born. I think the reality is that kind of transformational mechanism is currently in operation all over this planet on many levels.

The Reality check

However, to use the astrologically-dubious lyric of the Hair/5th Dimension song as the substantive base for the date of an entire age shift, supported by some weak astrology which occurs around the tradition of St. Valentine’s Day is indeed a stretch, at best. Yes, Jupiter, Mars and the North Node of the chart are indeed, a couple of degrees apart in Aquarius (the actual Jupiter/Mars conjunction is on February 17). And if you cast the chart in the morning, you can make the Moon fall in the 7th house (though the Moon has already moved from Libra into Scorpio by 7:25 am of 2/14). One can change the houses of a chart simply by arbitrarily changing the time of day (2 hours per sign). I imagine one could just say, hey, it's close enough. OK, close, but no cigar. The classical definitions of the 12th house -- where all the Aquarian planets would be -- is karmic debts, and limitations. I interpret the 12th house as the mansion of completion and lessons – which yes, could be spun as “spiritual transformation.” The article in question also stated that this configuration hadn’t happened in 1000 years, yet there have actually been two such Aquarian line-ups even since the play Hair. Since we are actually now well beyond the dawning of the Aquarian period, any chart should now reflect a pulse in the greater 26,000 year precessional cycle of the Great Year which marks the ages. So that leads to the concept of"dawning." OK, how long is dawn? I'm really not sure, though it’s certainly not one particularly day. The discussion becomes pretty esoteric, akin to “how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?”

That all being said, this rush of Aquarian energy during this time can certainly be synchronous with lots of breakthroughs and breakdowns, manifestations and miracles. With the Sun conjuct Neptune, dreams can come alive. and with Jupiter and Mars conjunct the node in Aquarius, the climate is ripe for some unusual magic.

Uranus, which rules Aquarius spins sideways to the rest of the planets in our solar system, and is known for being little quirky, odd, and unconventional. That theme may help you understand what you see on CNN.

So is this the dawning of the Age of Aquarius? Yes, indeed, ladies and gentleman, we've already been there for quite some time. And by December 21, 2012, the shift will be complete. How do I know? Just look inside and around you! See all the cell phones, computers, ipods, video games, global communications,star-trek like tech, wifi, online and technological everything? Look at the changes all of our lives are going through. Observe a world in turmoil. Notice an economy in chaos, wholesale realities transforming before our very eyes. Fossil fuels in the process of being replaced by Alternative-energy technologies. Hybrids, electric cars, windmills, solar, etc. coming on strong. Check out how one world is dying, while another is being born: a rising Aquarian tide is surging up against a falling Piscean one. Lots of people waking up. Yoga everywhere; the straightest people you know doing downward-facing dog. Then there is the amazing black guy as president of the United States. What is crashing in the ashes and rising in the remains is co-creating our future. It's all in God's hands.

Below is a rendition of Aquarius that’ll make you a believer:


Ken Kalb is an astrologer and author with hundreds of published articles, four books, and an astrological calendar. He is the director of
Lucky Star Astrological Services. He was the organizer of the global LightShift 2000 peace initiative, helping bring peoples of goodwill together in Spirit in collective attunements. Ken finds a wonderful wordless application of his philosophies in his Electric bicycle/Alternative Transportation business, Electric Star.