Monday, March 14, 2005

Springtime Initiation

It's a week before Spring and we feel the stars stirring in our soul jockeying for position. The planets are forming some tricky geometries as the new cycle dawns. The Good News -- Jupiter and Neptune are locked in a tight trine as is Venus and Saturn -- fueling trust in our inner guidance and the power of love in the universe that all will be well. Now, the tricky part starts today with the Sun squaring Pluto, triggering feelings of insecurity -- like the bottom is dropping out. It only feels that way. Mercury turns retrograde on Saturday the 19th, Saturn direct on the 21st, and Pluto retrograde on the 26th. I'll be blogging more about how to navigate this challenging initiation into Spring. The equinox is a stellar time to check your personal stars, get a forecast (check out those email prices!).

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