Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Multidimensial Musings on Scary Power Stuggles

Pebble of a planet Pluto is the most powerful force in astrology as it is the boundary between our solar system and everything else. It is the root chakra, rules the unconscious. This week began with the Sun (identity) squaring Pluto, and ends on Friday with Venus (values) moving out of its trine with Saturn and into a square with Pluto. Pluto is power and squares are struggles, so there may be some potent issues in personal relationships which need attention. These represent short term issues which we need to resolve by the Spring Equinox. The Pluto situation brings up some larger issues, namely the global economy and the power source of civilization -- oil. This Earthblood which drives machines, greed and politics is like the proverbial "ring" of Bilbo and Frodo fame. We see oil around $56 a barrel, and gasoline today setting record highs in the US. Reality check: Oil was $30 a barrel at the beginning of last year. Tell me, what do you think the effect is of $25 a barrel of oil inflation? (See: Every inch that machinery moves-- planes, trains, automobiles; everything that is made or wrapped in plastic -- is inextricably tied to oil. The government cleverly took oil out of its inflation figures some years ago, so interest rates are not reflecting this hyper-inflationary information. Yet. The United States trade deficit -- the broadest measure of international trade -- soared to an all-time high of $665.9 billion in 2004 -- showing in stark terms how rapidly this country is becoming indebted to the rest of the world. Remember Ross Perot in 1992, and his charts about the National Debt of $5 trillion? Well, its now $7.5 trillion and increasing by $1/2 trillion annually. And in this country, consumers are 85% in debt! Pluto also rules debt and will be turning retrograde on 3/26. I wonder what reversals will synchronize. I know that bubbles are always their biggest right before they burst. Now, consider the intense setup of the power struggle: the world's largest oil reserves are held by Islamic countries, while the world's largest oil consumers are mostly Christian nations, locked in a struggle for "the ring." Pretty wild food for your thoughts, eh?

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