Thursday, March 17, 2005

For the Lust of the Game

I grew up watching Willie Mays and Mickey Mantle, Henry Aaron and Sandy Koufax. Ballplayers who played for the love of the game. Their drug of choice was adrenalin....ok, maybe a little tobacco and alcohol. It was really difficult for me to watch Mark McGwire, Rafael Palmeiro, Curt Shilling, and Sammy Sosa with poop all over their faces -- lying like little kids to their mama about their involvement with or knowledge of steroid use. Disgusting! I imagine the game today is merely symptomatic of the times in which we live...........the indescriminate scramble for money driven by greed, consumed in the consuming, win at all costs mentality. It looked to me like Jose Conseco was the only one telling it like it was. Mark McGwire just went from a likely Hall of Famer to a Hall of Shame shoe-in in my eyes with his livid BS. Pure unadulterated garbage. McGwire was born on October 1st of 1963 at 7:30 in the morning in Pomona, a suburb of LA with the worst air pollution in the country. So maybe that's it, that's why his body suddenly exploded into a was the chloroflorocarbons of all the gas-guzzler's latently kicking in! Seriously. McGwire's a Double Libra with a Pisces Moon, and Venus directly opposite Jupiter in Aries right on his cardinal horizon line. Today anyway, he put on a power-hitting exhibition of the lower nature of that combination of signs. Most of the congressmen and women engaged in idol-worship and softballed the superstars. One of them even remarked to Curt Shilling...."you sound just like a politician," and it seemed like the room just wreaked of it from all corners. Check out the before and after pictures below of Jason Giambi. I guess "milk does a body good," eh? Mercury slowing down getting ready for a long retrograde on Saturday. More on that before Saturday.

1 comment:

luckystar said...

Right on!