Friday, February 11, 2005

In response to your question.......I am a truth seeker, who wishes he knew the acid-truth of the matter. The Bush "foreign policy" seems to be about the expansion of the military-industrial complex, and control of middle-eastern oil. It's means are Octopussian: spread the hynotic ink of deception, control media with propoganda, carry forth the agenda. Yesterday's covered-up revelation that the FAA/US had disregarded 52 pre-911 reports that Al-Qaida would hijack planes to use as weapons, is a case for this point. Now that they have established a stronghold in the middle of the Middle East -- with bases, manpower, and supplies strategically located -- it will be a much simpler matter to overtake Iran and Syria. In terms of "martial arts," the insurgents have done remarkeable aikido with US/Iranian armaments, i.e. the thousands of pounds of ammo dumps which were left unlocked/unguarded/looted/ utlilzed. David and Goliath archetype revisited. Thousands of years of karmic cycles are unfolding in this area. Humankind is learning the very hard way that violence is not a means of conflict resolution...that greed and power are a self-serving a soul-cancer whose cure is only spiritual. There is really no us and them. This will of course will take quite some time in human terms, but it is humankind's evolutionary destiny. As the French philosopher Andre Malraux once said, "the third millennium will be spiritual, or it will not be."

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