Sunday, February 13, 2005

Great Vibes from Saint Valentine's Angel

As the calendar swings toward February 14th and Saint Valentine's day, we find a luscious Venus/Neptune conjunction right in the middle -- or "gate of power" of Aquarius. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus, and their conjunction marks the alignment of personal and divine love. To amplify this signature, they are applying toward a trine with prosperous Jupiter in Libra. Love and money both shine during this time. Good feelings abound and there is a general feeling of goodwill. Wishing you peace joy and much aloha!


luckystar said...

I was just emailed and asked if these aspects are good for the stock market.
Well, yes indeed, I'd hve to say this is a prosperous configuration, though signals for your personal prosperity are based on the aspects to your own chart. There are alot of complexities when talking about the stock markets at large. All things being equal, however, this would indeed be a bullish signature. Until April 15th, there will be money going into retirement funds, so mutual fund inflows should increase. Market sentiment should be positive during this week.

luckystar said...

I was just emailed and asked if these aspects are good for the stock market.
Well, yes indeed, I'd have to say this is a prosperous configuration, though signals for your personal prosperity are based on the aspects to your own chart. There are alot of complexities when talking about the stock markets at large. All things being equal, however, this would indeed be a bullish signature. Until April 15th, there will be money going into retirement funds, so mutual fund inflows should increase. Market sentiment should be positive during this week.