Monday, August 29, 2011

Season of the Switch

by Ken Kalb
Earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, uprisings, overthrows, wars, financial volatility, political meltdown. Humanity seems to be becoming anesthetized to cataclysm as upheaval becomes the new normal. Uranus, the awakener is saying 'good morning' during its sunrise into Aries as it approaches a square formation with transformational Pluto between now and 2015. Yet this is only the beginning. For this quirky giant and ruler of Aquarius – spinning sideways and retrograde to the other planets -- is the Lady Gaga of the heavens. And the wild thing is, this logarhythmic rate of accelerating change will all seem tame a short stretch down the road. For the new Aquarian dispensation is being born of cataclysm, the very engine of evolution. That engine is now firing up.

During this wild ride through the labyrinthine matrix of unfolding stellar signatures, we are witnessing a veritable tsunami of zany events, both internally and externally. An hour of CNN seems like a recitation of intense Nostradamus quatrains – only with commercials. So let’s first review this fractal in the space-time continuum, look at the current triggers for this latest cataclysmic flashpoint, then preview some coming attractions for 2012 and beyond.

The Cardinal Cross – Guardians of the Portals

You have likely heard of the Cardinal Cross -- the outer planets forming a T-Square or Cross formation right at the charged seasonal or cardinal flashpoints. Picture giant Uranus in Aries on one side of a see-saw at the Spring equinox point facing Saturn in Libra at the other side at the Fall Equinox. At a right angle, both square-off transformational Pluto in Capricorn – and both grandly cross the Sun at the Summer Solstice.

These planets are like archetypal Guardians at the power portals of our planet.
And these potent seasonal switch points -- Spring, Fall, Winter, Summer -- are the astronomical points of shift which we experience each earth/solar year as the shortest and longest days (solstices), and times of equal day and night (equinoxes). In astrology, these are the cardinal or active points, and when a planet contacts them – shift happens.

So we have Uranus – zany planet of awakening and revolution, opposing Saturn – karmic planet of structure, both squaring Pluto – archetype of transformation – sitting right at the solstice and equinox points. Several cosmic events are triggering the Cross, the cosmic gateway through 2012 and beyond -- and why things are so intense.

I have called this a simultaneous christing and cruciifixion -- depending on one's evolutionary frequency: a period of breakdowns and breakthroughs on all levels. Human nature has proven that crisis is the true catalyst of evolution. And we have now entered an evolutionary hotspot, or should I say.... blowtorch!

The Spring Blowtorch and Summer Trigger

That Blowtorch got lit on March 11th, when Uranus catapulted into the cardinal fire of Aries. Suddenly, the Earth cracked open and Japan cratered in a massive 8.9 quake, giant tsunamis, hundreds of aftershocks, and widespread radiation release.

In the US, the Ipad 2 was released. Well, besides earth-changes and revolution, Uranus also rules technology.

Shortly thereafter, revolutions throughout the Middle-East followed.

The entire cycle of The Cross has been synchronous with a quantum ramp-up of accelerating change (please see past The Lucky Star blogs).

The past is really only for the purpose of learning from and doing better than in each moment. And each one of us is experiencing a certain re-wiring of our diagram, perhaps even a re-coding of our DNA.

Warrior Mars — God of war, and action (in water-sign Cancer) — triggered the Cardinal Grand Cross on August 3rd, catalyzing and activating the changes that have been brewing and gurgling. The ensuing floodtide released events like the riots in London, mass demonstrations in Israel, collapsing economies in the U.S. and Europe, U.S. preparations to invade starving Somalia, and a spike in Earth-change activity all over the planet.

Looking Ahead to 2012 and Beyond

Between 2012 and 2015, the 126-year Uranus-Pluto cycle will be in a square aspect seven times. And that transiting square will make a grand square to the USA natal Sun.and Saturn. We are bearing witness to the US government and economic structure melting down and turning inside out. And that’s just one tip of the melting iceberg.

Perhaps the 4 crossing planets brings forth the vision of the book of revelations of the Four Horseman of the Apolcalpyse – conquest, famine, war, and death -- preceding the rise of the holy spirit. What crashes into ashes and rises from the remains will create the world of our future. But this is good news, and is really the law of the Uranian/Aquarian jungle. Look at the Tsunami in Southeast Asia for example. A quarter of a million souls left the planet, millions of people were shuffled around into instant families who were forced to create new lives out of the floods and their tears. Or the Japanese response to their disasters, simply awe-inspiring! When humans are up against their worst it brings out our best, and love is service in action. And I believe that the cataclysms and upheavals will only serve to burst open the heart of humanity to new dimensions of beauty, brilliance, love and light.

The Mayan Calendar and the Aquarian Age

Let’s consider for a moment the end point of the 13th and final baktun of the Mayan Calendar on December 21st of 2012 as a true Zero Point – an odometric reset of the 26000-year cycle of the Great Year. If true, then right now, we are in the final heartbeat of an age – roughly year 25,999 of 26000. Time to prepare the craft of our souls for rebirth.

W’oh yea, Must be the ‘Season of the Switch.”

Ken Kalb is the author of several metaphysical titles including The Grand Catharsis: an Astrolog of the Shifting Ages, LightShift 2000: Let’s Turn on the Light of the World, La Nueva Luz del Milenio and hundreds of articles. His websites include:,,,, Email:

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