Saturday, June 19, 2010

During this wild ride through the labyrinthine matrix of unfolding stellar signatures, we are witnessing a veritable tsunami of zany events. An hour of CNN seems like a recitation of Nostradamus quatrains or the Book of Revelations -- only more intense..... and with commercials.

I will try to boil this wrinkle in the space-time continuum down, so stay
with me on this.
You have likely heard of the cardinal crisis, or what I have dubbed the cardinal challenge: The outer planets forming a T-Square or cross right at the seasonal or cardinal points. Giants Jupiter and Uranus around the Spring equinox point opposing Saturn at the Fall Equinox. Both Squaring off transformational Pluto in Capricorn, and both grandly crossing the Sun at the Summer Solstice.

These turning points -- Spring, Fall, Winter, Summer -- are the markers of seasonal change. They are astronomical points of shift which we all know externally by designating the shortest and longest days, and the equal times of day and night. In astrology, these are the cardinal or active points, and when a planet contacts them, shifts are likely. An opposition is like full Moon -- a completion of a cycle marked by intensity, and a square is the mid-point of an opposition. This is where things happen. I have called this a simultaneous Christing and Cruciifixion -- depending on evolutionary frequency.

Well, on May 27, Uranus -- planet of revolution and ruler of the new Aquarian dispensation -- moved into Aries -- the starting line or ignition point of the zodiac. Whatever Uranus touches, shifts, often in a weird way. This is Springtime for Uranus, moving into the Mars-ruled fire sign of new beginnings. It is opposing Saturn -- ruler of structure and known as Father Time itself -- at harvest time, the Fall Equinox. Also, Saturn turns Direct on May 31, while Neptune turns retrograde. Indeed, this is a tug of war between the old and the new, both internally and externaly right at the powerful equinoctial vortices. If you have a little (or a lot) of PSS -- pre-shift syndrome, join the club, for this is a true twist in the space-time continuum! And both square (or activate) the most powerful force for internal transformation in our psyche -- Pluto -- near the Winter Solstice. Keywords: Visualization, reorientation, completion, activation. Wax your internal surfboard and ride the wild surf.

Now if that weren’t intense enough, Uranus gets a powerful boost in this massive shift. Expansive Jupiter also moves into Aries on June 6th, then conjuncts Uranus two days later on June 8th. Prepare for lift-off, beam-up, or at least a trampoline jump through your changes with the heavenly rearrangements.

The last Jupiter/Uranus conjunction was in 1969 at the Fall Equinox (Zero Libra ) -- when there was a full blown cultural revolution in the US and the government landed a Man on the Moon. The last time this happened around the the Aries point was in 1927, when Charles Lindbergh crossed the Atlantic, and there were the rumblings of financial depression in the United States and Europe. Hopefully this time around, Thad Allen and crew will figure out how to cap/control the oil gusher and this ecocidal episode will help launch an Apollo project for a clean renewable energy policy.

We are now in a period I have observed for dozens of years which I have dubbed The Grand Catharsis: a vortex of volcanic transformation from now through 2012. Expect the unexpected, and the unexpected to be chock full of surprise.
I’d suggest setting some intentions and preparing for some massive personal breakthroughs this summer. The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction marks nothing more or nothing less than a new revolution in consciousness. The doorway of change is always a bit strange, but it leads through the gateway of growth and into the magic garden of your dreams.
blessings, KK!

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