Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Winter Solstice - The Pause that Refreshes

The Wheel of the Year hairpins into the new cycle with the Winter Solstice on December 21st at 10:35 am (Pacific). It is the northern hemisphere’s longest day and darkest night. Let's review the simple astronomy at play here for a quick second: The season shifts because of the Earth’s changing axial relationship to the Sun. Now, the Earth’s equator reaches her maximum tilt away from the Sun – pausing – before returning toward the Sun’s recharging warmth and light.

Astrologically now: There is also a tremendous dynamic tension in the current cosmic geometry with a fixed sign
Grand Cross between Jupiter opposite Mars both squaring Saturn which opposes Neptune. Sounds heavy, and is a little sticky.
A terrestrial hologram of this stuck between a rock and a hard place dynamic is the complex scenario of New York transit strike. If you are experiencing some holiday stress, be consoled that you are most in tune with the current rhythms of the cosmic drumbeat. Your chart may be activated by this fixed pattern. And w
ith Venus turning retrograde (once every 1 1/2 yrs.), on Christmas eve, expect some scrooging to come scrounging.

Winter Solstice is a time to practice the lesson of Sagitarrius; to pull the bow string back to it’s maximum point – sighting the bullseye before releasing your flaming arrow. It is the point between inhale and exhale. This breathless moment of stillpoint on the cusp between dark and light is an opportunity to distill the essence of any disonant energies and components we wish to release, and embrace those aspects, refreshed and renewed for the new cycle. This is a golden opportunity for us to become aware and explore the deep messages lingering amidst the darkness, awakening with new direction, intention and foresight. The greatest gift we can give and receive is to simply breathe deeply and rhythmically the essence of our inner light on this holyday. It's the pause that refreshes.
aloha, KK!

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