Saturday, February 26, 2005

Give Peace a Chance for Romance

Venus swims into Pisces today at 7:07 pm Pacific time. This is a much softer, sweeter and compassionate placement for the goddess of love than mental Aquarius. Four big fish (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Uranus) are surfing the Piscean waters. Lots of subconscious energy completing karma and cycles in the last sign -- dreaming about Spring's rebirth.
There are hopeful overtures on the international scene with talks of peace and a cease fire between the Palestinians and Israelis. With a Jupiter trine Neptune aspect making the second of its three passages on March 14, the ethers are mellowed. Jupiter, benefic star of hope and optimism, is slowly moving retrograde in Libra, sign of mediation and peace . Neptune is the harmonizing influence, and their trine in air signs is positive for communication, alignment, and even agreement between former enemies. On a more personal level, these are harmonious times in relationships, even a chance for romance.

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